Upcoming Charis Hospice 20th Anniversary Dinner 2024!
Upcoming Charity Run on 20th of April 2024!

Essay Writing Contest entitled ‘My Experience of Supporting a Terminally-ill Loved One-The Journey’

Date: 7th January, 2019 - 3rd May, 2019
Time: -
Venue: KDU Penang University College

Calling all students & those interested in writing!!

Charis Hospice together with KDU Penang University College are organizing this essay in lieu of Charis Hospice 15th Anniversary Celebration this year. The essay writing competition is open to Juniors (15-20 years old) and Seniors (21 and above). Registration fee is RM3 (Juniors) and RM5 (Seniors). Please see the flyers and brochures attached for more information.

The title of the essay is 'My Experience of Supporting a Terminally-ill loved one-The Journey'. We hope this essay writing competition will bring about an awareness on cancer and the need for palliative care as well as to remove the taboo of talking about death and dying in our culture.

Certificates and rewards await winners of this competition!

Do share with your family and friends!

Dateline is 3rd May, 2019, so, sign up now and write away!

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