Upcoming Charis Hospice 20th Anniversary Dinner 2024!
Upcoming Charity Run on 20th of April 2024!

Our Services

Home Care Services

We believe that, where possible, patients are better-cared for and more comfortable in their own homes surrounded by family members. Our dedicated nurses will visit homes to provide patients relief from their pain and other distressing symptoms. They act as a support system in helping the patient’s family to cope with the patient’s illness. In the event of a passing on of a patient, they are there to support the family in their bereavement as well.

Medical Equipment

Equipment such as oxygen concentrators, syringe drivers, suction machines, nebulisers, ripple mattresses, hospital beds, wheelchairs, commodes, etc. are available for our registered patients to borrow at minimal or no charge.


We always welcome voluntary service from the community. If you feel that you would like to help out in any of our services, be it publicity (annual fundraising) or administration, please feel free to contact us to find out further.
We also have some video of a youth group that volunteered at a special event. May it be a source of inspiration to many of you as you view it.

We also look forward to partnering with companies that are able to sponsor special events. As shown in the video below, we had the privilege to partner with Agilent Technologies in taking our patients to Penang Hill in November 2016.

Reach Out, Touch Lives.

Training & Public Awareness

We provide training in palliative care to medical/nursing students and doctors, including clinical placement. We also provide public awareness training/education to various sectors, such as schools, corporates, and the public. If you would like for us to organise a public awareness training/education, please feel free to contact us.

Volunteers Activities