Upcoming Charis Hospice 20th Anniversary Dinner 2024!
Upcoming Charity Run on 20th of April 2024!

Run For Charis Hospice In Vibram Hong Kong 100th Ultramarathon

Date: 17th January, 2015 - 18th January, 2015
Time: 7:00 AM
Venue: Hong Kong

Vibram Hong Kong 100 is an international 100 kilometer ultra-endurance race that takes place in Hong Kong. The 100km course starts in Pak Tam Chung on the Sai Kung Peninsula and covers some of the most beautiful scenery in Hong Kong, including remote and unspoilt beaches, ancient forests, nature trails, reservoirs and steep hills, as well as finishing with the descent from Hong Kong highest peak (Tai Mo Shan). The course involves an accumulated elevation gain of over 4500meters and the cut-off time is 32 hours.

28 year-old Christine Loh, a nurse with Charis Hospice, Penang, is taking on the challenge to RUN FOR HOSPICE in this ultra-marathon.
Ms Christine says, "I started my running in year 2012. The Penang Bridge International Marathon was my first run. I was hooked by it after that and my passion for running has grown even more with time. I believe running is much more than just physical fitness. It's full of life lessons and passion - live the moment, pace yourself, "enjoy every km of my life, one step at a time"! Thank God for his grace and strength for me that I'm able to persist in it".

Some of Christine's achievements:

8/9/13 Race for Life by Central College, women 1st RUNNER UP
23/8/14 Penang Starlight Ultra 84km, relay team 1st runner up
6/9/14 Penang100 Ultramarathon 84km Round Island, women champion

Why Run for Hospice?
Everyone runs for a reason. This time I choose Charis Hospice. As a community palliative care nurse, I know how valuable and important this work is in the community. It goes beyond the physical care of patients with advanced illnesses. It is compassionate, holistic care for both patient and family. Palliative care can make a difference to improve quality of life of the patient. It also ensures that good care is given at the end of the life. It offers a support system to both the patient and loved ones.
100% of your pledges and donations will go to Charis Hospice to continue its mission of providing care, comfort and support to patients with life-threatening advanced illnesses and their families in Penang Island. Your generosity and kindness will make a difference.

For more information, contact Brenda 011-12466757(office hrs) or email charishospice@gmail.com

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